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Entering the parallel universe

reading time around 3 minutes · published on 2022-12-19 · 528 words

Disclaimer: This is a story made by ChatGPT.

At first, I asked ChatGPT to make random things, and make a story and the rest from those random things. In the end, ChatGPT decided to make a story about a child that found a parallel universe at the back of her fridge. 🤷

The story was originally in Indonesian, but I also asked ChatGPT to translate it to English.

A realistic cartoon painting about a girl named Lina and her red cat
A realistic cartoon painting about a girl named Lina and her red cat made by DALL·E

One day, a child named Lina was cleaning the refrigerator in her house. As she moved the refrigerator, she found a secret door behind it.

Lina was curious and decided to open the door. Behind the secret door, Lina found a very unique parallel world. There, everyone had wings on their backs and could fly easily. Lina was very surprised when she saw this, but she also felt very happy because she always dreamed of being able to fly.

Lina decided to enter the parallel world. There, she met many friendly people who greeted her with a smile. They told Lina that in this parallel world, everyone can use their super powers for good and should not be used for wrongdoing.

Lina began exploring this parallel world and found many amazing things. She could fly with her wings, see colors that cannot be seen by ordinary humans, and even eliminate pain by touching sick people.

However, soon after, Lina heard news that there was a villain who wanted to use the super powers of the people in this parallel world for wrongdoing. Lina and her friends joined forces to defeat the villain and save their parallel world.

After successfully defeating the villain, Lina and her friends were very happy and proud. They all hugged and congratulated each other on their success. Lina decided to stay in the parallel world and become part of her new family.

After Lina decided to stay in the parallel world and become part of her new family, she began living her new life happily. She learned many new things and developed her super powers well.

Lina also became good friends with many people in the parallel world. She even became friends with a red cat who always accompanied her on her journey. The red cat even had the same super power as Lina, which was to turn into a chocolate cake when angry. Lina and the red cat often played together and became very close friends.

One day, Lina and the red cat received a mission to save the parallel world from a very big threat. A very strong villain had attacked the parallel world and wanted to conquer the entire world. Lina and the red cat did not stand idly by and decided to defeat the villain.

They both used their super powers to defeat the villain and save the parallel world. In the end, they were successful and the parallel world was saved. Lina and the red cat were praised by everyone and became heroes in the parallel world. They continued to live happily in the parallel world and continued to use their super powers for good.