A new domain name that I finally own!
reading time around 1 minute · published on 2023-08-01 · 133 words
My website is now on linerly.xyz (previously on linerly.codeberg.page, linerly.tk, and linerly.github.io). Unlike the old linerly.tk domain (which a friend got one for free to me from Freenom), this one is mine. Of course, I paid for it (for cheap).
Unfortunately with domains that you can get for free, it’s not really reliable whether you will be able to use it for a long time. Fortunately, I didn’t use it for more permanent things (such as email). With the new domain, I should be able to use it for a lot more things now!
It is a bit of pain trying to change everything from the Pages settings, all the way to my profiles on various websites. But, this is worth it in the end—it won’t change for a long time or so.