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This is where I share all my things here ― have fun exploring!

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It's been a while...

It’s a new year, a new month… a leap year? Anyway, I haven’t posted anything to my blog in such a long time…

reading time around 1 minute · published on 2024-02-29 · 169 words

Tech-free day (sort of)

How much time do you spend online? Probably too much. Do you try to keep up with a lot of things on your phone or any other device?

reading time around 2 minutes · published on 2023-09-09 · 273 words

A new domain name that I finally own!

My website is now on linerly.xyz (previously on linerly.codeberg.page, linerly.tk, and linerly.github.io). Unlike the old linerly…

reading time around 1 minute · published on 2023-08-01 · 135 words